Documentation for CityGML

Element: animate

[Table of contents]

  • This element can be used wherever the following element is referenced:
  • The following elements can be used wherever this element is referenced:
    • animate
    • ERROR: Circular element reference to: animate
Name animate
Type smil20lang:animateType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
attributeName="string [1]"
attributeType=" string (value comes from list: {'XML'|'CSS'|'auto'}) [0..1]"
additive=" string (value comes from list: {'replace'|'sum'}) [0..1]"
accumulate=" string (value comes from list: {'none'|'sum'}) [0..1]"
to="string [0..1]"
from="string [0..1]"
by="string [0..1]"
values="string [0..1]"
id="ID [0..1]"
class="string [0..1]"
alt="string [0..1]"
longdesc="anyURI [0..1]"
begin="string [0..1]"
end="string [0..1]"
dur="string [0..1]"
repeatDur="string [0..1]"
repeatCount=" smil20:nonNegativeDecimalType [0..1]"
repeat="nonNegativeInteger [0..1]"
min="string [0..1]"
max="string [0..1]"
syncBehavior=" smil20:syncBehaviorType [0..1]"
syncTolerance="string [0..1]"
syncBehaviorDefault=" smil20:syncBehaviorDefaultType [0..1]"
syncToleranceDefault="string [0..1]"
restart=" smil20:restartTimingType [0..1]"
restartDefault=" smil20:restartDefaultType [0..1]"
fill=" smil20:fillTimingAttrsType [0..1]"
fillDefault=" smil20:fillDefaultType [0..1]"
targetElement="IDREF [0..1]"
calcMode=" string (value comes from list: {'discrete'|'linear'|'paced'}) [0..1]"
skip-content="boolean [0..1]"
Allow any attributes from any namespace (strict validation).
Start Choice [0..*]
Allow any elements from a namespace other than this schema's namespace (lax validation). [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<element name="animate" type=" smil20lang:animateType " substitutionGroup="smil20lang:animate"/>