Documentation for CityGML

Attribute Group: grPostal

[Table of contents]

Name grPostal
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type AddressDetails , Complex Type AddressDetails , Complex Type AddressDetails , Complex Type AddressDetails , Complex Type AddressDetails , Complex Type AddressDetails , Complex Type AddressDetails , Complex Type AddressDetails , Complex Type AddressDetails , Complex Type AddressDetails , Complex Type AddressDetails , Complex Type AddressDetails , Complex Type AddressDetails , Complex Type BuildingNameType , Complex Type DependentLocalityType , Complex Type DependentLocalityType , Complex Type FirmType , Complex Type LargeMailUserType , Complex Type MailStopType , Complex Type MailStopType , Complex Type PostalRouteType , Complex Type PostalRouteType , Complex Type SubPremiseType , Complex Type SubPremiseType , Complex Type SubPremiseType , Complex Type SubPremiseType , Complex Type SubPremiseType , Complex Type ThoroughfareLeadingTypeType , Complex Type ThoroughfareNameType , Complex Type ThoroughfarePostDirectionType , Complex Type ThoroughfarePreDirectionType , Complex Type ThoroughfareTrailingTypeType , Element AddressLine , Element Locality , Element Thoroughfare , Element Thoroughfare , Element Thoroughfare , Element AdministrativeArea , Element AdministrativeArea , Element PostOffice , Element PostOffice , Element PostalCode , Element PostalCode , Element PostalCode , Element PostalCode , Element PostBox , Element PostBox , Element PostBox , Element Department , Element Premise , Element Premise , Element ThoroughfareNumberPrefix , Element ThoroughfareNumberSuffix , Element ThoroughfareNumber , Element PremiseNumber , Element PremiseNumberPrefix , Element PremiseNumberSuffix , Element CountryName
XML Instance Representation
Code="anySimpleType [0..1]

'Used by postal services to encode the name of the element.'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="grPostal">
<xs:attribute name="Code"/>