Documentation for CityGML

Element: Triangle

[Table of contents]

  • This element can be used wherever the following element is referenced:
Name Triangle
Type gml:TriangleType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
interpolation="planar [0..1]

'The attribute \"interpolation\" specifies the interpolation mechanism used for this surface patch. Currently only planar surface patches are defined in GML 3, the attribute is fixed to \"planar\", i.e. the interpolation method shall return points on a single plane. The boundary of the patch shall be contained within that plane.'

<gml:exterior> ... </gml:exterior> [1]

'Constraint: The Ring shall be a LinearRing and must form a triangle, the first and the last position must be co-incident.'

h407365553 h-591504436 h1564496234
Schema Component Representation
<element name="Triangle" type=" gml:TriangleType " substitutionGroup="gml:_SurfacePatch"/>