Documentation for CityGML

Element: _Style

[Table of contents]

  • This element can be used wherever the following element is referenced:
  • The following elements can be used wherever this element is referenced:
Name _Style
Type gml:AbstractStyleType
Nillable no
Abstract yes
Documentation The value of the top-level property. It is an abstract element. Used as the head element of the substitution group for extensibility purposes.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<gml:metaDataProperty> ... </gml:metaDataProperty> [0..*]
<gml:description> ... </gml:description> [0..1]
<gml:name> ... </gml:name> [0..*]

'Multiple names may be provided. These will often be distinguished by being assigned by different authorities, as indicated by the value of the codeSpace attribute. In an instance document there will usually only be one name per authority.'

h361726713 h-1129867717 h-742066978 h-2079468484 h733073503 h1077085280 h712976966 h1723224726 h674198565 h-635644106
Schema Component Representation
<element name="_Style" type=" gml:AbstractStyleType " abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:_GML"/>