Documentation for CityGML

Complex Type: CoordinatesType

[Table of contents]

Super-types: string < CoordinatesType (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name CoordinatesType
Abstract no
Documentation Tables or arrays of tuples. May be used for text-encoding of values from a table. Actually just a string, but allows the user to indicate which characters are used as separators. The value of the 'cs' attribute is the separator for coordinate values, and the value of the 'ts' attribute gives the tuple separator (a single space by default); the default values may be changed to reflect local usage. Defaults to CSV within a tuple, space between tuples. However, any string content will be schema-valid.
XML Instance Representation
decimal="string [0..1]"
cs="string [0..1]"
ts="string [0..1]">
Schema Component Representation
<complexType name="CoordinatesType">
<extension base=" string ">
<attribute name="decimal" type=" string " default="."/>
<attribute name="cs" type=" string " default=","/>
<attribute name="ts" type=" string " default=""/>